czwartek, 14 lipca 2011

Przyimki miejsca In/at/on - przyklady 2

Mówimy, ze somebody/something is: (In)
in a line/in a row/in a queue/in a street/in a photograph/in a picture/in a mirror/in the sky/in the world/ in a book/in a newspaper/in a magazine/in a letter.

1)When I go to the opera, I prefer to sit in the back row.
2)I live in Regent's street. Thomas lives in South Church Avenue.

3)Who is the man in that photograph?(not 'on that photograph')

4)Have you seen this article in the newspaper (=in the paper)

5)There was not a star in the sky.

On We say that somebody/something is:

on the left/on the right/on the ground floor/on the second floor/on a map/on the menu/on a list/on a farm.

1)In Poland we drive on the right(lub on the right-hand side)

2)My room is on the third floor of the building.

3)Here's a shopping list. You must buy everything that is on the list.

4)Have you ever been on a farm.
Mówi sie, ze cos jest(sth is):on a river, on a road, on the coast.

Warsav is on the river Vistula.

Kolobrzeg is on the coast of England.

Oto kolejny przyklad gdzie zawsze uzywamy ''on'':

We stopped at a small pond on the way to Poznan.

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